You writing, its trouble, and the right way to do it

A briefer on you writing

Rodolfo Dacleson II
3 min read6 days ago
Photo by Wes Hicks on Unsplash

“It is hard to write when you don’t know what to write about.”

The statement above is nonetheless among the most difficult things to deal with as a writer myself. While writing as a media practitioner for my past and previous companies, it is easy because you’re aware of what you’re writing for. There are standards to meet. You’re also not worried if you’re writeup is a mess with editors guiding you.

Writing personally, however, hits differently.

Given that there are no limitations on what you’ll write about, writing could be stressful. Instead of satisfaction, you’re dissatisfied with how your written output reads. You might even feel that what you’re doing is wrong. This is simply because you’re writing all by yourself. No restrictions, such as a deadline to put pressure on you or an audience to amaze or make feel contented.

You writing is nonetheless a writing form — well, if you would consider it as a writing form itself — you would have a difficult time with it. It is you basically. It is all about you — who you are, your dreams and aspirations, your fears and darkest secrets, etc. Most of the time, we’re busier knowing someone, not until we’re asked about who we actually are. As a former student, I always felt embarrassed by introducing who am I to my classmates and teachers during the first day of classes to set the tone for the whole academic year. Such forces me to dig deep into what I’m made of. It seems like you’re exploring the mysteries of the universe, whose limits are beyond contemplation.

Most of the time, we’re busier knowing someone, not until we’re asked about who we actually are.

This writing is usually done to release hidden emotions and feelings. Possibly, deal with uncertain matters you can’t work with when you’re busy juggling your hectic schedule. Again, you writing from the name itself is all about you.

Writing for you is an arduous task to complete but let us be reminded that we shouldn’t be hard on ourselves for doing such. Forcing it would only make things worse. Cramming it is a no-no as well. We shouldn’t also aim for perfection because there is no perfect draft for the fact that it is just a draft. For instance, this article that you’re reading right now still underwent a thorough review before getting published. Simply, just don’t write personally when you don’t feel like doing it.

Writing for you is an arduous task to complete but let us be reminded that we shouldn’t be hard on ourselves for doing such.

So what to do now? There are many.

Take a bath. Sip a cup of coffee. Get a good sleep. Enjoy the dinner with your family. Message your friends. Engage in physical activities. In short, do you writing when you feel it. There is a bigger world outside our writeups. Whatever happens, before we write might actually affect how we combine words. Expand our written outputs to paragraphs. And how to conclude them remarkably or satisfyingly.

There is a bigger world outside our writeups.

Make a life outside writing and for sure, you can do you writing at ease because you’ll finally learn what to write about.



Rodolfo Dacleson II

A Filipino writer who dreams of becoming a world-renowned author. If he fails to do so, he will still continue writing for the betterment of the society.